Alumni Notes

From the Alumni Director, Nate Brown
So...I was going to rinse and repeat what I had submitted in the Fall 2023 edition because it all still applies. But I have very few opportunities to officially communicate with the over 11,000 alums and friends of the Corps that receive this publication, so I need to not waste the opportunity.
My focus for this article is to get after the “why” of maintaining your connection to Virginia Tech and the Corps of Cadets. Maintaining your connection can come in a variety of ways. You can participate in events both on campus and at the various geographic chapters or virtually. You can stay informed and connected through social media platforms. You can volunteer to serve on Virginia Tech boards or agree to represent Virginia Tech at recruiting events. The manner in which a person maintains their connection can come in all different ways that are dependent on what feels comfortable.
Let’s explore the connection that can be gained through participating in an event on campus, specifically Corps Reunion. Why battle I-81, fight for a hotel room, pay a hefty sum for that hotel room, figure out campus parking, and spend your hard-earned money to participate in an event that only lasts a day or two?
Alumni come back because their time in the Corps was pivotal in their transition from young adult to adult. They come back because they want the opportunity to reminisce with others they knew from back then. No one really cares about the extra pounds they have put on or the amount of hair that they no longer have. They are more excited about getting to be together as a community. They also are excited about interacting with the current cadets and reliving their youth through them.
I am not a professional writer and I have not likely convinced you to hop in the car and head to Blacksburg for our reunion which will be Sept. 20-22. But don’t take my word for it. Ask someone that you know that has been to Corps Reunion in the past. Ask them if they experienced the magic. We work for about a year to plan Corps Reunion to ensure that the event creates that magic for you regardless of your age, class year, profession, or family status. Our planning alleviates many of your concerns about campus logistics and creates programs to appeal to all generations (including the future Hokies that you may have in your household).
The opportunity to come back to campus and be together as a VTCC alumni community is a powerful experience. Many have come to a reunion and communicated their regret that they hadn’t returned sooner. For those that have been to a reunion, please share your reunion experience with your classmates and encourage them to come back. For those that have not yet come to a reunion, take a chance. We are ready to welcome you home!
It remains my commitment to you to ensure that your Hokie experience did not end at graduation, and to provide quality programs and events that allow you to continue to enjoy the camaraderie, school spirit, and connections that we all deserve and have earned through our common experience as cadets.
Ut Prosim,
Nate Brown '98
If you are reading this magazine, then we know we have your address correct. But did you know that we are also pushing a monthly email to all Corps alumni that provides information on in-person and virtual events that you may want to participate in? Our goal is to continue pushing out as much information as possible so that you can continue to live your lifelong Hokie experience.
If you are not receiving the monthly email, it is likely because we do not have an accurate email address for you. Please send your preferred email address to
Nominations for the 2025 Distinguished Alumni of the Corps award are due by Dec. 1, 2024. Those recommended for this award should serve as inspiring examples for our alumni and cadets and embody the values found on our eight pylons. Nominees must have been enrolled in the Corps of Cadets for at least two years (four semesters or eight quarters). Complete instructions and forms can be found online at Questions should be directed to
The award recipient and nominator will be notified in early February.
As we continue our upward trend in the size of our Corps, it remains critical that our alums continue to encourage young people that they know to consider applying to Virginia Tech and becoming members of the Corps of Cadets. Unfortunately, we are still the best kept secret in the Commonwealth. With your help, we can break that secret and provide a young person with a life-changing opportunity that they would have otherwise not even known existed.
Led by the efforts of our VTCC Alumni Board Career Development Task Force, we are looking for ways in which your connection to VTCC Alumni can assist you as you transition and progress in your careers. One of the foundational resources where we will advertise opportunities for career development and job opportunities is on our LinkedIn site. Please consider joining LinkedIn and following our page “Virginia Tech Corps of Cadets Alumni”:
This past February, within 24 hours, the Corps of Cadets had 740 unique donors that came together and raised $585,807 to support the Corps of Cadets. This is a 7% increase from last year in the number of donors and a 188% increase in the amount of funds. Thank you to all that participated – we could not offer the alumni programs and the programs that support the cadet experience without your philanthropy! Let’s make Giving Day 2025 even better!
Upcoming events
Aug. 16: New Cadet Move-In Day
Aug. 24: New Cadet Pass in Review
Sept. 19: Leaders in Contact Panel
Sept. 20-22: Corps Reunion
Oct. 25-26: University Homecoming and HT Reunion
Feb. 13: Leaders in Contact Panel
TBD Feb.: Giving Day 2025
April 10: Distinguished Alumni Award Ceremony
At each football game, we highlight one of our deployed alums as part of the radio broadcast and do a Virginia Tech news article. We don’t have tracking devices on our alums. If you or someone you know will be deployed overseas during the fall, please make sure you take some Virginia Tech swag with you on deployment and send us a picture. We will then follow up with some questions regarding your deployment so that we can create a story. Help us celebrate you and your service to our country!
CORPS REUNION, SEPT. 20-22, 2024
Save the date! Join us to celebrate being an alumnus of the Corps. We hope you can come see us!
Visit here to learn more: or register by visiting