Logo & Shield usage
The Virginia Tech Corps of Cadets shield must be used as often as possible with the Virginia Tech master brand logo in a separate imprint area. Use an approved color combination of the Virginia Tech master brand logo as directed in the university Brand Guidelines. The Virginia Tech Corps of Cadets shield must be clearly visible and legible on the final product.
When determining which variation to use in a layout, consider the orientation of the area. If the area is wider than tall, the horizontal wordmark should be used. If the area is taller than it is wide, the vertical wordmark should be used. No other alternative versions of the Corp of Cadets logo are authorized.
Whenever possible, the color primary logo should be used before any other approved variation of the primary logo. Use the alternate versions only when the primary logo is not possible.
A licensed vendor must be used when ordering Virginia Tech and Corps of Cadets branded items. To learn more and search for a vendor licensed with Virginia Tech, use the link below.
Vertical Logos

Full Color


Black w/Grey & White

Color w/White

Horizontal Logos

Full Color


Black w/Grey & White

Color w/White

Symbolism in the shield
- Red: courage and determination
- Sword: military training
- Gold hilt: quality
- Ermine (pattern of shapes): quality
Typeface in the logo
- Times Now: "Virginia Tech Corps of Cadets"
- Acherus Grotesque: "Ut Prosim"

Using the logo
- Protect the logo by maintaining a distance equal to the height of the sword grip around the logo.
Shield Usage
- The shield, used without the words, “Virginia Tech Corps of Cadets” and “Ut Prosim” may only be used as a social media icon, as part of the Corps of Cadets Major General W. Thomas Rice Center for Leader Development logo, on the battalion flags, and Cadre t-shirts.
- All social media handles must include “VT” in the name.
- The shield alone is permitted for small items where the entire logo would not fit, such as on a lapel pin.


