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Corps of Cadets Alumni

VTCC Alumni


Alumni of the Virginia Tech Corps of Cadets are bound by a common experience. We came together from all walks of life, faced the challenges of a disciplined environment, and forged friendships that last a lifetime.

The cadet experience was and remains rooted in the Cadet Honor Code: "A cadet will not lie, cheat, or steal, nor tolerate those who do." This code leads to a lifetime of honor and integrity.

Today's cadets hold the same values in high regard and support the university's core values as displayed on the War Memorial Pylons: Duty, Honor, Leadership, Loyalty, Brotherhood, Service, Sacrifice, and Ut Prosim.

We hope you can join us for the many Corps events throughout the year.  Stop by the new Corps Leadership and Military Science Building if you find yourself in Blacksburg.


Key Dates

April 26 - Senior Send-Off

April 27 - Change of Command Pass in Review

May 10 - Corps Graduation

June 6-9  - Alumni Weekend (VT Summer Reunion) 

Aug. 16 – New Cadet Move-In Day

Sep. 19 – VTCC Leaders in Contact Panel (formerly Gunfighter Panel)

Sep. 20 - VTCC Alumni Board meeting

Sep. 20-22 - Corps Reunion

Oct. 25-26 – VT Homecoming and HT Reunion

Oct. 25 - Homecoming Pass in Review in honor of the Class of 1974


Contact the Alumni Office


Mailing address

VTCC Alumni Office
CLMS Building (0213)
355 Old Turner Street
Blacksburg, VA 24061

Keep Us in the Loop

As you move or change duty stations throughout your career, make sure you continue to get the Corps Review and other updated university and Corps information.

Also, share your news and photos with us for the Corps Review's Class Notes section. Submit your items online at