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Marks & Graphic Elements

Spirit Marks

The Corps has exclusive permission to use this altered version of the HokieBird. For use of non-Corps specific spirit marks, contact

Cadet Hokiebird

Cadet HokieBird

Vintage Marks

Vintage marks exclusive to the Corps of Cadets are the Coat of Arms, sometimes also called the Fleur-de-lis, and the Highty-Tighties Crest. Corps has special permission to use the vintage TV mark* co-branded at retail only. Use of the TV mark must adhere to university standards for its College Vault vintage program.

* Use of the TV mark must adhere to university standards for its College Vault vintage program. Please reach out to to obtain the logo and its guidelines.

A licensed vendor must be used when ordering Virginia Tech and Corps of Cadets branded items. To learn more and search for a vendor licensed with Virginia Tech, use the link below.

coat of arms

Coat of Arms

highty-tighties crest

Highty-Tighties Crest

tv mark

TV Mark


The Corps of Cadets will work alongside the university’s Licensing and Trademarks office to federally register marks with the United States Patent and Trademark Office. Appropriate trademark designations will be required for marks that become federally registered.

corps of cadets logo



Graphic Elements

The Virginia Tech Corps of Cadets Highty-Tighties has exclusive permission to use the stylized TV vintage mark on the Highty-Tighty patch, drums, and alumni sweaters only. This modification is only permissible by the Highty-Tighties and does not extend to other areas of the Corps of Cadets.

highty-tighties sweater

Highty-Tighties alumni sweater

highty-tighties drum

Highty-Tighties drum

highty-tighties patch

Highty-Tighties patch

The Grommet graphic element contains earlier elements of the university, including VPI and the seal. Use of the Grommet has been grandfathered and is restricted to the Corps of Cadets covers and the Gregory Guard logo. Its use does not extend beyond the covers and Gregory Guard uses.

Gregory Guard white
Gregory Guard black
