Alumni Announcements

From the Alumni Office
This past winter and spring went by in a flash. The empty campus now is deceiving. While some think that work stops when the cadets are away, that could not be further from the truth. This summer, we are putting the finishing touches on the plan for a very exciting 2023-24 school year. We are proud that we will be honoring our Corps on its 50th anniversary of incorporating women into our ranks! You will see this noteworthy accomplishment showcased in all our programming this year (including in this edition of the Corps Review).
We will also be celebrating a few other events: the opening of our Corps Leadership and Military Science Building during Corps Reunion on Sept. 8, and the Class of 1973’s 50th anniversary and entry into the Old Guard during the Homecoming Pass in Review on Friday, Oct. 13.
I was asked recently what I was most proud of from this year. It only took me a second to answer: I am most proud of our alums! Our alums have answered the call at every turn, from achieving top 10 in every competitive category during Giving Day 2023 to participation in all our events this past year. Cadets can see the example that you are setting in your professional accomplishments, your embodiment of Ut Prosim, and your commitment to remain engaged and connected to the Corps.
Last spring, I asked each of you to do one thing - reach out to a classmate that you are not already in contact with. Did you follow through? Aren’t you glad that you did? I need you to do it again this year. As an alumni community, we are only as strong as the connections that we have with each other. These connections need to be built and maintained.
It remains my commitment to ensure that your Hokie experience did not end at graduation, and to provide quality events that allow you to enjoy the camaraderie, school spirit, and connections that we all deserve and have earned through our common experience as cadets.
Did you get the email?
If you are reading this magazine, then we know we have your address correct. But did you know that we are also pushing a monthly email to all Corps alumni that provides information on in-person and virtual events that you may want to participate in? Our goal is to continue pushing out as much information as possible so that you can continue to live your lifelong Hokie experience.
If you are not receiving this monthly email, it is likely because we do not have an accurate e-mail address for you. Please send your preferred email address to
Distinguished alumni award
Nominations for the 2024 Distinguished Alumni of the Corps award are due by Dec. 1, 2023. Those recommended for this award should serve as inspiring examples for our alumni and cadets and embody the values found on our eight pylons. Nominees must have been enrolled in the Corps of Cadet for at least two years (four semesters or eight quarters). Complete instructions and forms can be found online at Questions should be directed to
The award recipient and nominator will be notified in early February.
"Show me your mug" continues
We want to see your smiling face! Throughout the year, we have several in-person and virtual events that are desperately in need of your participation. Alumni events are no fun without alumni!
As a play on words, we are continuing the tradition of our mug campaign and we hope you all will continue to participate. We gave out metal camping mugs at Corps Reunion last year. In 2023, we still have mugs that can be purchased at our events. Along with the mug, you will receive durable stickers for the mug that indicate you attended an event. Our goal is that alumni will continue to add these stickers to their mugs to document their travels and experiences.
Corps reunion, Sept. 8-10, 2023
Save the date! Join us to celebrate being an alumnus of the Corps. This year is extra special. We will be celebrating 50 years of women in the Corps and the opening of the Corps Leadership and Military Science Building. Oh, and don't forget the football game and alumni tailgate. We hope you can come see us!
Visit here to learn more:
Upcoming events
Aug. 10: New Cadet Move-in
Sept. 7: “Leaders in Contact” Alumni Panel (Burruss Hall)
Sept. 8-10: Corps Reunion
Oct. 13-15: University Homecoming and HT Reunion
Feb. 8: “Leaders in Contact” Alumni Panel (Burruss Hall)
Feb. 21-22: Giving Day
March 28: Distinguished Alumni Ceremony
April 26: Class of 2024 Senior Send Off (Upper Quad)