What Times We Are Living In
By J. Pearson ’87, chairman, Virginia Tech Corps of Cadets Alumni Inc.
By April, the Virginia Tech Corps of Corps had fewer than 50 cadets living in its residence halls. All Virginia Tech’s classes were moved online. All Corps functions, like change of command and our Graduation and Joint Commissioning Ceremony, were canceled.
Maj. Gen. Randal Fullhart and staff made brief appearances in the office and kept track of the cadets at home and on campus, like a deployment.
Our next board meeting will be on Sept. 25. Our Corps Reunion will be that weekend. Please mark your calendars and plan to come back to campus.
We are changing the format for our alumni weekend. Instead of a dinner on Saturday, we are going to have a family-friendly tailgate at the Holtzman Alumni Center. We will have plenty of great food, games, and activities. We want all alumni and families to enjoy our reunion, and it will be great fun for all. More information will come out this summer.
Our great alumni director, Col. Patience Connelley Larkin E’87 is pursuing a new opportunity out of state, effective June 3. Please join me and congratulate her on a humongous job well done!
I hope you and your family stay safe!
Remember: As alumni we must communicate, participate, and donate!
Go Hokies!