Air Force ROTC News

By Benjamin Wooley ’23
Air Force ROTC Detachment 875 is back to a sense of normalcy after returning to mostly in-person instruction this fall.
The detachment welcomed a new commander, Col. Greg Lowe ’97, and two new cadre instructors, Maj. Kristen Baker and Capt. Da’rrell Cousin.
Detachment 875 also welcomed 130 new cadets, 18 of whom earned a scholarship through Air Force ROTC’s high school scholarship program. This class of new cadets is the largest in program history and brings the detachment to a total of 302 cadets.
Cadet Giavanna Angelo ’22, the cadet wing commander, led through the transition of a new detachment commander and the transition back from life during the pandemic. Her goal was “to make the most of in-person opportunities this semester with activities such as leadership exercises simulating field training scenarios, valuable interactions with active duty airmen across a variety of career fields, and peer leadership and team building development through wing-wide events in physical training and professional growth.”
Summer Training
Cadet Sarah Mombaur ’23 attended the Air Force Junior ROTC Flight Academy this past summer. Over the eight-week training period, she earned her private pilot license. She shared, “This opportunity was a lifelong dream come true. … It was an intense eight weeks of studying and flying; however, it was worth every second when I passed my checkride and had my wings pinned on by Brig. Gen. Michael T. Rawls.”
Cadet Sarah Mar ’22 participated in the Korean Project GO program this summer at the University of Montana. This program was intended to be a 10-week hybrid program (two weeks in Montana and eight weeks in Korea), but because of the COVID-19 pandemic, it was modified to one week on the video conferencing platform Zoom and seven weeks in Montana.
Mar intensively studied the Korean language and went on field trips exploring the popular sights and beautiful national parks of Montana. This program helped develop her language and cross-cultural capabilities for her future as a commissioned officer.
Semester Accomplishments
This semester has brought with it the return of in-person events that were missed over this last year.
The Air Force Marathon took place Sept. 26 with approximately 20 cadets participating in what was described as a “simple course with amazing scenery” and serving as a personal accomplishment for those involved.
To observe the 20th anniversary of 9/11, cadets, cadre, and local first responders took part in a stair workout on the steps of Lane Stadium in memory of the brave souls who lost their lives.
This semester’s Warrior Day gave sophomore cadets valuable skills needed for field training next summer. Three cadets, William Edinger ’22, Jackson Browning ’22, and Christopher Widger ’22, picked up rated slots this semester, receiving pilot, Remotely Piloted Aircraft, and Remotely Piloted Aircraft, respectively.
Additionally, Cadet Hana Schelsinger ’21 commissioned into the Air Force on Oct. 1.