The Path Forward

By Sandi R. Bliss, chief advancement officer
As we all contemplate the path forward from working and living remotely from each other, I cannot help but reflect on how grateful we are to have such supportive Virginia Tech Corps of Cadets alumni and friends!
If it were not for all of you, the Corps would not have been as well-positioned for the record enrollment of cadets and the ability to move forward with construction of the Corps Leadership and Military Science Building and a third residence hall.
In celebration of these successes and look to the future, we hope all of you will find a way to create your own special legacy in the Corps.
Special Naming Opportunity
We still have naming opportunities available in the Corps Leadership and Military Science Building starting at $25,000. All naming opportunities can be accomplished through a five-year pledge.
Ways to Create Your Own Legacy
- Endowments are a powerful investment in the future of the Corps. Endowed gifts, which include cadet scholarships, are invested. Each year, a percentage of the return provides critical support to Corps initiatives. The distribution amount is approved by the Virginia Tech Foundation board each year. Endowments can be created with a minimum gift of $100,000 and established with a five-year pledge or through an estate gift.
- Annual gifts of any amount can make an immediate impact. They can be made one-time or arranged to be made on a convenient, recurring basis. Gifts to the Commandant’s Priorities Fund of $500 or greater automatically sponsor a first-year cadet on the fall or spring Caldwell March.
Estate Planning Options
There are many wonderful options for leaving a powerful legacy through planned gifts to Corps, and we are here to help.
- Future intent: If you have included the Corps in your estate planning, please let us know. If you do choose to give through your estate, there are ways to experience the impact of your future gift during your lifetime.
- Donor-advised funds: Create a donor-advised fund to maximize tax benefits now and recommend charitable gifts, possibly with family involvement, for many years to come.
COVID-19 Relief Package
There are important charitable giving opportunities available. Now all taxpayers can deduct $300 of charitable gifts.
- Donors making larger gifts and pledge payments can benefit from the ability to use more of their deduction in 2020, accelerating their tax savings. Most gifts made in 2020 can be deducted up to 100 percent of a donor’s adjusted gross income (as compared to the normal 60 percent).
- To qualify, these must be cash gifts to public charities. These benefits don’t apply to gifts of stock or real estate or gifts to a donor-advised fund.
- For end-of-the-year giving, please be sure your envelopes are postmarked by Dec. 31.
For more information about any of these opportunities, please contact the Corps’ advancement team at 540-231-2892 or