Alumni Announcements

From the Alumni Office
It has been a wonderful summer and fall, filled with opportunities on campus and at remote locations for our Corps alums to connect. For all of our events, you have returned and participated in growing numbers which is an indication to us that you are hungry for the connection to the Corps and that the events that are being provided appeal to your taste buds. Participation: While attendance from the classes from the 1950s, '60s and '70s has been consistently strong at our events, we are starting to see classes from the 1980s and 1990s beginning to return in greater numbers. We need to maintain this trend and also find a way to encourage more of those from 2000 - 2022 to be enticed to brave I-81 and make the return trip. For those that did return for Corps Reunion or HT Reunion this fall, please find one of your buds that did not attend and encourage them to attend next year’s reunion. You all know as well as I do that they will thank you for it. It remains our commitment to ensure that your Hokie experience did not end at graduation, and we will provide quality programs and events that allow you the opportunity to continue to enjoy the camaraderie, school spirit, and connections that we all deserve through our common experience as cadets.
Ut Prosim,
Nate Brown ‘98
Show Me Your "Mug"
We have a new tradition that was announced in the Spring 2022 Corps Review and appears to be initially successful: the “Show Me Your Mug” campaign. At events this year, we are giving returners a metal VTCC alumni camping mug. Participants also receive a durable event sticker that they can display on their camping mug. It is our intent that alums will bring their mugs back for all future events and use their stickers as a way to document their return visits. It would be great to receive some pictures of your mug as it travels with you to different parts of the world showing off your Corps pride.
Membership Has Its Privileges
We have started to reach out to various companies and businesses that may be interested in our cadets for internships and our alums for employment. Stay tuned to the monthly e-mail update where we will provide additional information on employment opportunities focused on our alums.
Giving Day 2023
Mark your calendars for Virginia Tech Giving Day, Feb. 15- 16, 2023. Your donation to the Corps of Cadets on Giving Day directly supports our cadets on their journeys to become the next generation of leaders. Giving Day brings together Hokies from all around the world to support the colleges, departments, programs, organizations, and teams that mean the most to them. Every gift, no matter the size, helps support students, cadets, faculty, and staff who are doing amazing things. This year, we will continue to organize and participate in challenges that will allow us to make Giving Day competitive within our Corps alumni community and also with organizations outside the Corps. These competitions help make Giving Day fun, encourage folks to participate, and also allow us the opportunity to compete for additional university funds that can be directed towards our priorities. If you are inclined to be philanthropic this year, please do it on Giving Day so that your gift can be counted in our Giving Day competitions!
Upcoming Events
Feb. 9: “Leaders in Contact” Alumni Panel
Feb. 15-16: Giving Day
April 6: Distinguished Alumni Award Ceremony
April 28: Senior Social
Reunion Weekend, June 8-11, 2023: Save the Date!
Alumni Weekend is an exciting tradition alumni look forward to all year long. Join us to celebrate being a Hokie! Return to Blacksburg to explore campus, have fun, and learn.
Visit here to learn more: