Light at the End of the Tunnel
By J. Pearson ’87, chairman, Virginia Tech Corps of Cadets Alumni Inc.
I am a Florida resident, and I see business and outdoor activities open everywhere. I think this will spread to Blacksburg, Virginia, very soon.
Our Corps seniors had a limited in-person graduation and commissioning ceremony this spring, which was a great leap forward compared with last year. Our future alumni commission or enter the workforce in a growing economy. Compared with the pandemic-caused shut down of 2020, this year’s future leaders enter in a great time to thrive.
I handed keychains called Gokies, designed by Kevin Jones, a Virginia Tech Sports Hall of Fame running back, to each of our soon-to-be alumni at our senior banquet on April 25. We had to limit the event to small groups at a time, but at least it happened. I encouraged the seniors to communicate with us. The goal is for all of them to keep us informed on their e-mail address, careers, and where they are going. Plus, we talked about participating in our Corps activities, both on campus and virtually.
Our fall Corps Reunions are a lot of fun, and it looks like we will have another one this fall (with prayers and fingers crossed)!
We have Gunfighter Panels and Cutchins Leadership Lecture Series events, among many other activities to be a part of. We are getting good at doing things virtually.
Maj. Gen. Randal Fullhart, the commandant of cadets, hosted this spring a lecture with Vietnam veteran and former prisoner of war Col. Lee Ellis. We were even able to ask questions afterward!
So even though you cannot get back to campus, you still can participate.
Finally, I will mention giving back. Regardless how much, donating to our Corps is something we all need to do to help offset the costs of a Corps growing enrollment and the programs offered to cadets and alumni.
I hope we will be jumping in Lane Stadium, enjoying walking around Upper Quad, and watching our Corps in action this fall. Please help me in welcoming our new alumni and encouraging them to be a part of our great organization!
I hope you and your family stay safe!
Remember: As alumni we must communicate, participate, and donate!
Go Hokies!